

BM28 is a Lua edit that turns the F-5E-3 into a MiG-28 from that movie we all know and cringe at, it has every thing from S-8 rocket pods to R73 AAM's.
this mod breaks IC so you wont be able to use it on some servers (cold war server, GS server, hoggit, ect) but you can use it on places like 4YA.
if you install the mod and wish to revert to the original Lua either repair DCS or DL the backup lua rename it to F-5E.lua and replace the

install/uninstall instructions

--install-- place the .Lua in the DCS root folder in the following folder tree [\CoreMods\aircraft\F-5E] and when prompted to replace the Lua hit yes
if you install the mod and wish to revert to the original Lua either repair DCS or DL the backup lua rename it to F-5E.lua and over right the already over written file